Study Foundation for Danish PhD Society

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c/o - Peter Bangs Vej 30 - DK-2000 Frederiksberg

Support can be obtained for long-term study abroad, participation in study and congress travel and for PhD and other courses. Congress Travel is supported only if the applicant is making an oral or poster presentation. You can only apply for activities which have not commenced. After the activity, a travel report including travel accounts and a brief description of benefits (max. 500 words) must be submitted to the Danish PhD Society (via, which reserves the right to request a short article for the Society´s media. Grants will only exceptionally be awarded for amounts exceeding 10,000 kr. per applicant. Only one applicant per form.

The application must be accompanied by a brief curriculum vitae and relevant confirmation for any conference presentation (e.g., acceptance, copy of abstract), or documentation of acceptance for participation in courses or research secondments. Also you need to inform about adress, social security number and your phone number.

Applications will be considered only if all relevant information is included. Changes in the application information should be submitted to the Foundation.

The application must be submitted electronically as a pdf single file to e-mail: E-mail is marked: "Studiefonden".


Cathrine Norup


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