Children and paid parental leave

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Both women and men have the right to paid parental leave when they have children. The rules for paid parental leave are flexible, but there are a number of deadlines which must be followed.

Here you can read more about your options, rights, and obligations in relation to pregnancy, birth, and parenthood.

When you are pregnant or adopting a child and become a parent, you and your partner have the right to leave and income during your parental leave. The rules that apply to you depend on your collective agreement. If you are not covered by a collective agreement, your parental leave will depend on your employment contract and the Act on Salaried Employees’ rules on parental leave.

The main principle in the rules for parental leave are that parents have a combined right to leave and unemployment insurance for 52 weeks. The 52 weeks apply to leave both before and after birth.

Some periods are reserved for the mother and others for the partner, and there are periods that cover both parents. The parents can altogether go on parental leave for up to 112 weeks, but they will only receive unemployment benefits for 52 weeks.

As a starting point, you should be a part of the labour market in order to have the right to parental leave and unemployment insurance.

You must meet one of the following conditions in order to have the right to unemployment insurance:

  • You have been connected to the labour market for the last 13 weeks before your parental leave begins and have been working for at least 120 hours.
  • You have the right to unemployment insurance or another benefit in its place.
  • You have, within the last month, completed a vocational training that has lasted at least 18 months.
  • You are a student in a salaried internship at a legally recognized education.

New rules regarding guaranteed maternity leave - Children born on August 2nd 2022 and onwards only

A new political agreement concerning guaranteed maternity leave has been negotiated on the 26th of October 2021. The Danish government proposed their bill regarding guaranteed maternity leave back in December 2021, but the legislation has yet to be confirmed.
Therefore, DM cannot yet say how this bill will affect your maternity leave.
For the time being, you can find answers to your questions about the political agreement on
the Ministry of Employment website.

Try DM's maternity calculator

The maternity calculator helps you get an overview of your maternity leave and what income you will have during your maternity leave. 


Reduced membership fees while on parental leave

If you are on parental leave and receiving unemployment insurance, you can have your membership fees reduced.


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