Cancelling your membership

You can leave DM here, but have you considered if you are making the most of all your member benefits? It costs at most 10 kroner a day to be a member of DM.

You should be aware that you can no longer receive counselling about salary, employment, career, and workplace environments once you have left. Just as you no longer have the ability to renew newspaper subscriptions or private insurance policies through the DM membership benefit.

How to leave

Leaving the union should happen in written form with one month’s warning with effect from the beginning of a quarter.
That means that you can withdraw according to the following dates:

  • March 31—if you have withdrawn by December 1—February 28
  • June 30—if you have withdrawn by March 1—May 31
  • September 30—if you have withdrawn by June 1—August 31
  • December 31—if you have withdrawn by September 1—November 30

In transitioning to a membership in GL (Gymnasieskolernes Lærerforening), you will be withdrawn from DM according to the date where GL announces that you have been enrolled in GL. Write to GL, if you wish to be moved from DM.
Read DM’s statute


Has your situation changed?

If you have gotten a new job, become unemployed, or gone on pension, you should let DM know. This can mean that your membership fees have changed.

Cancelling your membership

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