Holidays and days off

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As an employee you have the right to hold five weeks of holidays a year, but you do not always necessarily have the right to holiday time with pay. Your right to salary during your holidays or paid holidays depends on your terms of employment.

You earn holiday during the period of September 1 to August 31. This is called the holiday year. The holidays you earn in the holiday year can be used during the holiday-holding year that starts at the same time as the holiday year of September 1, but runs until December 31 of the following year.

Moreover, you get a holiday supplement as a supplement to your salary. For state employees is it 1.5 percent of your salary, while for employees in regions and municipalities it is 1.95 percent.

For private employees, the supplement is as a starting point one percent of your yearly salary. The holiday supplement should be paid out at the latest at the same time as you have holidays, and is often paid out two times a year, together with the salaries for May and August.

At you can calculate how much paid holiday you have earned if you have paid holiday (in Danish)

New holiday law

On September 1st. 2020, the new holiday law came into place.

Privately employed

Contact DM

If you are unsure about the rules and rights for your holiday, you can always contact DM.