DM is a labour union for 75,000 academic professionals. We work to ensure that our members can create a meaningful work life with space for both a career and personal life. And we believe that changes are something we achieve together as a community.
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DM is a labour union for 75,000 academic professionals. We work to ensure that our members can create a meaningful work life with space for both a career and personal life. And we believe that changes are something we achieve together as a community.

DM is a traditional trade union as well as a professional association for people with a university degree. We advise our members on the rules and opportunities in the labour market and help secure the best possible pay and working conditions. 

DM sees it as our most important task to fight for a working life with decent pay and working conditions for each individual member of our organisation. But support for the individual members requires the collective strength of all members. We believe that a strong union is made up of active members using and developing the services and offers of support the union makes available.

If you have a full time job subscription will be DKK 1,139 quarterly.

Why the change in name?

Dansk Magisterforening (Danish Association of Masters and PhDs) has changed its name to DM. We have done this so a greater number of members can identify with our name. DM has the right to negotiate for members with an educational background in the natural sciences, IT, and the humanities.

The majority of members have—or are in the process of getting—an education within these areas, but DM also organises members in the social sciences and health sectors.
The breadth of our membership has meant that we have decided to now only be called DM. The new name is necessary as young members in particular have a hard time identifying with the word Magister (Master). Many members already speak about the union as DM or themselves as DM-ers. The earlier abbreviation of DM has henceforth been put into use as the union’s proper name.

It was DM’s 270 congress delegates who made the decision to change names. The decision was made in the spring of 2020, but because of the COVID situation, we decided instead to focus all our energy into helping members in the big change occurring in the labour market, rather than discussing a new name.

What is DM now then?

DM is the same strong organization that members and cooperating partners know.

DM’s employees help members with career sparring, legal advice and workplace environments. 1,500 talented union as well as health and safety representatives have made a difference at many workplaces.

All the things that you as a member know about DM have not changed now that we are called DM. We have for the past 100 years protected members’ interests in a changing labour market, and we will continue to do so.

DM now organizes more than 60,000 academic professionals. We organize both the precise specialists and the flexible generalists. DM’s members make a substantial difference both in the public sector and the private labour market. DM works to ensure that all members can create a meaningful work life with space for both a career and personal life. And we believe that changes are something we achieve together as a community.

What is the Danish model? And why do you need a union? Check out this video.

What are our ambitions?

DM has an ambitious growth strategy, and in continuation of that strategy, DM’s congress delegates have determined four goals for the upcoming congress period:

  • More members should find DM relevant
  • More members’ knowledge and engagement should be in use at DM
  • More members should actively use DM
  • A larger part of the academic sector should choose DM

We hope that together we can create a strong labour union that can guarantee members the best representation of their interests. We make a difference by standing together, and we hope that you will invite your colleagues and fellow students into this community.

History of the name

DM was founded on April 26, 1918 as the Almindelig Dansk Cand.Mag Organisation (General Danish MA Organisation), and the organisation had 149 members. In 1946 the union changed its name to Dansk Magisterforenig (Danish Association of Masters and PhDs). In 2020 we changed our name to DM.

We hope that you can see yourself in the new name, and we are excited to shape the future together with you.


DM’s collected budget in 2019 is approximately 180 million kroner. By far the greatest part of our income comes from membership dues. These fees go to, among other things, member counselling, negotiations, and political work.

Have your status changed?

Remember to let us know if your status changes.

Advice on wages and employment

You can receive advice on working conditions, contracts, holidays and wages in no time. Call or send us an email today. We offer to check your contract and terms of employment and help you make the right demands on your employer. As a member of DM you are entitled to legal assistance, which means that you can try cases relating to your terms of employment at relevant court instances free of charge.

Career development and professional feedback

You must maintain and increase your value in the labour market. Therefore, we continually ensure that you are able to expand your qualifications and competences. We advise on job opportunities within your field and conduct individual career interviews. At the same time, DM Efteruddannelse opens the door to a number of courses, some of which even lead to a diploma. In addition, you can get a mentor or become a mentor to others.

Support when you most need it

An entire team is ready to help if you experience conflicts at your place of employment. We provide legal advice, we offer to undertake negotiations with the employer on your behalf, we provide guidance on tackling stress, and we can help you improve your working environment. If you experience financial difficulties due to an accident, illness or social events or as a result of or in connection with your work as a Master, you can apply for an interest-free loan from DM’s Sociale Sikringsfond.

If you lose your job

First, we ensure that you get a fair dismissal. We handle more than 500 cases on unfair dismissal every year, and we win most cases. Second, you will receive personal guidance, where we outline your competences together and prepare a strategy for getting you a new job. You also get concrete tools, including professional feedback on your cv and job applications, good advice before job interviews etc.

Free talks and events

Each year we host more than 150 events throughout the country (in Danish). They range far. From job-related topics such as stress, negotiation techniques, management, branding etc. to meetings of members in a professional forum, where you can get the latest knowledge and learn about ground-breaking new research. All events are free of charge for members.
See all events (in Danish)

Network and new contacts

You also become a member of a social community. Locally and at our many events you will meet other members who are dedicated to their profession and who want to exchange knowledge and network. In short, you can learn and strengthen your career while having a good time. And afterwards the debate can continue in our LinkedIn forum.

Great discounts

You get the best discount in the country on Politiken as well as discounts on various experiences. In fact, these discounts can almost pay for your membership fee.

See all discounts (in Danish)

Political initiatives and negotiations

We are stronger together. And with a growing membership we have one of the strongest voices – both in public debates and when negotiating key agreements on behalf of our members. You can also consider participating actively in a DM members’ forum.

Inspiration and knowledge

You receive the magazine Magisterbladet by post 10 times a year. It is a journalistic and edited magazine written in Danish containing news, inspiration and relevant knowledge. You also receive weekly newsletters with guides and good advice. In short, you gain a lot of knowledge and help by becoming a member of DM.

Union representative

We have union representatives and contact persons in more than 500 workplaces. They focus on furthering your interests in the job and act as the link between staff and management. You are always welcome to contact your local union representatives if you have questions or experience difficulties.

Danish or English?

Notice that some of our services only exist in Danish. Please contact us and learn more about i.e. talks, events and courses in English. You can of course always receive advice in English.