Professional member benefits

DM og MA

© Dennis Morton

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As a member of the Danish Association of Masters and PhDs (DM) and the Masters' Unemployment Insurance Fund (MA), you gain a number of advantages. We'll help you with your studies, your student job, and future career considerations.

DM is your union and personal advocate during your studies and on the labour market. Among other services, DM can help you when you need to have an employment contract checked, when you want help negotiating your pay, when you want guidance about internships, and when you need advice on choosing a student job.

MA is your unemployment insurance fund. Your membership in MA guarantees you access to unemployment benefits if you become unemployed. MA also offers advice and consultancy on topics like unemployment benefits, job hunting, and careers.

Get feedback from us when applying to jobs

As a member of DM and MA, you can get help applying to jobs.Applying to student jobs counts, too.

As a member of DM, you can get feedback on your cover letters, CVs, and LinkedIn profile. Book a CV and cover letter review online and receive personalised feedback.

Book a CV and cover letter review with DM (in Danish)

As a member of MA, you can get feedback on your application materials without an appointment. Stop in and get advice about your CV and application materials.

Read more about open feedback at MA in Copenhagen, Odense, Aarhus, and Aalborg (in Danish)

At MA, you can also sign up for a range of tool-based classes that will support you in your job hunt.

Find upcoming events in our calendar (in Danish)

Do you know your rights at your student job?

You can always contact DM if you feel uncertain, or if you have questions about your pay or your contract.

We also offer legal help in the unfortunate event that you experience issues at your workplace, such as harassment, missing holiday pay, issues getting paid, and other situations where it can be difficult to get your employer to listen.

Read more about your rights at your student job (in Danish)
Contact DM (in Danish)

Book a career conversation

Do you need to talk about your job opportunities, get input to establish your skills, or receive individualised feedback on questions regarding your future career and work life? Then you can book a career conversation with DM or MA.

Book a career conversation at DM (in Danish)
Book a career conversation at MA (in Danish)

Get a mentor

At DM, you can get a mentor for the last half-year of your education, so you can get off to a good start on the labour market once you've got your final marks in hand.

Read more about the mentor scheme (in Danish)

Get your contract checked

Will you be starting at a new job, or do you have questions about your current contract? You can always contact DM if you need to have your employment contract checked.

Read more about employment contracts (in Danish)
Contact DM (in Danish)

Get help with pay and negotiations

DM can advise you about your pay and how to negotiate it.

Try DM's pay checker (in Danish)
Read more about negotiating pay (in Danish)
Contact DM (in Danish)

Unemployment benefits

With your MA membership, you are guaranteed the right to unemployment benefits if you don't get a job right after finishing your education. The alternative to unemployment benefits is cash benefits (kontanthjælp). However, if you possess more than 10,000 DKK in cash or assets, you lose your right to cash benefits.

If you are a member of an unemployment insurance fund for at least one year before concluding your education, you will be entitled to unemployment benefits the day after you graduate. This enables you to skip the initial month of no benefits that is otherwise obligatory for graduates, so you won't miss out on  13,644 DKK (15,648 DKK if you have dependants).

Read more about unemployment benefits
Contact MA if you have questions about unemployment benefits (in Danish)

Events just for students

DM and MA hold a variety of events targeted to students like you. For example, you can become an Excel wizard, learn to use Stata statistics software, or get advice on using LinkedIn as a career tool.

View current events (in Danish)

Are you thriving in your studies?

DM can help you to make some of the tougher decisions when it comes to choosing a course of study, a student job, an exchange programme, or an internship. You can also get advice on what to do if you feel the quality of your learning environment is poor, or if you're having a hard time managing the pressure of your work.

Read more about thriving as a student

Internships while studying

DM can advise you on your rights and your contract when it comes to internships.

Read more about student internships
Contact DM (in Danish)