About DM and MA

DM og MA

© Lasse Martinussen

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Welcome to the Danish Association of Masters and PhDs (DM) and the Master’s unemployment insurance fund (MA).

We are here to guide you through your studies, and to help you get off to a good start in your working life. And we’re here to help in case you at some point lose your job.

Why should you join a union and an unemployment insurance fund?

More than seven out of every ten academics in Denmark are members of a union or an unemployment insurance fund. Why? Because a membership can make sure that you get the most out of your studies. It will make sure you are being properly introduced to the labour market, that you get the right job and that your economic situation is guaranteed. But you may still have many questions. What is a union and what is an unemployment insurance fund? What’s the difference between the two? What will a membership mean for you?

We understand

You will find answers to these questions on this website. We will also highlight important deadlines and dates for signing up. Unfortunately, some prospective members tend to forget to sign up in time, and it means they miss out on all the professional and economic benefits of being a member.

Join DM and MA

If you're a student, your DM membership is free the first year. After the first year your DM membership costs 20 DKK per month.

MA is free throughout your time as a student, as long as you're younger than 30.