Activity fund

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DM Students is pleased to offer support to student-led activities, since professional events and student groups strengthen a good educational and professional environment, and ensure a smooth transition into the labour market.

DM Students supports students who take the initiative to create events and activities that benefit their fellow students.

As a member of DM, if you are in the process of establishing a new activity related to your studies or the labour market, DM Students' activity fund can help you. Maybe you want to gather your fellow students for a presentation from an exciting guest. Maybe you'd like to invite some alumni in to talk about what they've done with the degree you're reading for now. Or, you might like to organise a debate on issues related to the climate or gender identity, for students from a variety of backgrounds to come together.

We offer support for everything from presentations, debates, and networking events to business visits, conferences, and other professional activities.

Learning environments and social relationships

At DM Students, we advocate for a healthy learning environment, and we believe that social relationships both at and away from centres of instruction can help to prevent feelings of stress and aloneness in student life. For these reasons, in special cases, you can also apply for support for events with no particular specialised or subject-relevant content. This applies to social events that can offer significant support to the learning environment and to students' identities within their fields, particularly across disciplines and years, and between students and instructors. For example, this may include student-led parades and festivals.

Criteria for application evaluation

Criteria we use to evaluate applications:

  • The degree of subject-relevant or labour market-related content.
  • The number of participants — DM Students would like as many students as possible to benefit from the activity fund. For this reason, applications will also be evaluated based on the ratio of the activity's cost to the number of participants.
  • The extent to which DM will be present at or involved in the event.
  • If possible, informational material from DM (brochures, flyers, etc.) should be made available at the event. DM will ensure that those responsible for the event receive these materials.
  • Consider whether you would like to suggest that DM's student consultants participate, either by giving a short presentation or at a booth.
  • Consider whether it would be appropriate for DM to donate pens, notepads, etc.
  • We expect that you will place the DM logo in the informational and marketing materials for your event — on Facebook, on signs, and so on.
  • We would be happy to receive photos from your event that we can share on our Facebook profile, if appropriate.

What we don't support

DM Students does not support parties and Friday bars, and support from DM Students must not be used to finance the purchase of alcohol. Additionally, we do not support events meant to replace formal instruction, educational events previously financed by the university, or activities that students are required to participate in.

The activity fund is designed as a way to support subject-relevant and educationally related activities. Our principles prohibit us from taking over for the state in providing financial support for education. Danish university education must continue to be financed by the state. In our political work, we advocate to stop cuts to hours of instruction, etc.

Disbursement of support

In general, money from the activity fund is disbursed once an event has concluded. However, there are certain formalities to be adhered to regarding the disbursement of financial support. Contact DM's secretary, Katrine Skovdal Herold, at, to learn more about our commitments to providing financial support.


Application guidance

Name and contact information of responsible applicant
Indicate the person whom DM can contact if there are any questions about the activity, and who will be responsible for reimbursement for expenses incurred in connection with the activity.

Name of group, student association, or organisation
Fill in the name of your student association, organisation, or group.

Support requested for
Fill in the specific expenses for which you are applying for support.

Number of participants
How many people may participate in the event? How many are expected to participate?

Cost to attend
If DM Students will be covering the costs of the entire event, we would prefer that our members be able to attend for free. We also prefer that events be open to all.

Catering for event
Describe what food and drink, if any, you plan to serve.

Total amount applied for
Indicate the total budget for the activity. Indicate the total amount applied for. You are encouraged to indicate a specific part of the budget for which you would like to receive support (e.g., gifts for presenters, event space booking costs, coffee and biscuits, etc.)

Nature of the event
Briefly describe what the activity is about. Remember to highlight the subject-relevant or labour market-related characteristics of the activity.

How can the event give DM exposure?
We will consider the extent to which DM can be present at or involved in the event when evaluating your application.

Other remarks
If you have any other relevant information, you can provide it here.