DM BIO is a professional community for those of you who study or work within the field of naturual sciences.
DM BIO is a professional community that will broaden your horizon by creating a space for those who study or work in green sectors to meet, share knowledge, and debate. From nature, climate, the environment, and sustainability to urban planning, technology, and food production.
In a time where the world is dependent on the development and potential of the green sector, your knowledge is more important than ever before. Some of you work with problem-based learning in biotechnology and sustainable food production, while others are engaged in urbanisation or the fight to promote nature in the Danish landscape. This means even more benefits which are specifically tailored to your profession, interests, and background.
Welcome to DM BIO!
Professional network
DM BIO offers a broad range of networks across professions, study programmes, and interests. The networks are founded by strong membership involvement that ensures attractive professional benefits, as well as relevant events.
Discover a network that matches your interests.
We have gathered a number of scholarly events as well as webinars for you with topics like green technology, the future of food production, the green transformation, and much more.
Dive deeper into DM BIO's event calendar.
Membership benefits
As a member of DM and MA, you have acces to a wide varity of discounts e.g. newspaper subscriptions, green phone subscriptions, cultural experiences, outdoor equipment and much more. You can see a list of all the savings avaliable. Be aware you will have to login to get access to the discounts.
View all your cash membership benefits.
Read more about DM BIO
Bliv medlem af DM og MA
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DM koster kun 0 kr. det første år, herefter 20 kr./måned indtil et år efter endt studie. MA koster 0 kr. hele din studietid, hvis du er under 30 år gammel.