Travel fund

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If you've been dreaming about travelling the world while at uni, you can apply for support for your travels from DM Students' travel fund.

The fund support field studies, scholarly trips, studying abroad, and other travel related to your efforts to obtain an undergraduate or graduate degree. You can receive support for both domestic and international stays.

We'd be happy to help you

As a student and member of DM, you have the opportunity to apply for support from our travel fund. DM offers grants from this fund for travel activities such as field studies, scholarly trips, study abroad, and internships in Denmark or abroad.

Studying abroad, taking on an internship, or participating in a field study in another country can give you important new knowledge to bring back home. While staying outside of Denmark, you can experience the best professional environments the world has to offer. Many jobs you'll apply to in the future will require you to have good English skills and to be comfortable interacting with people whose backgrounds are unlike yours. Studying abroad can help you with both of these things.

You don't need to leave the country to be considered for a grant. You can also travel to study, take on an internship, or participate in a field study elsewhere in Denmark. This can inspire you and help you to see new opportunities for development. It's a way to gain valuable experience and get a new perspective on your education.

Practical information

You can apply for up to 8000 DKK in support. A total of 80,000 DKK in grants is awarded with 40,000 DKK twice per year.

Grants from the travel fund are disbursed twice annually.
If you are awarded a grant from the travel fund, you must conclude your travel or stay within one year.
if your travel or stay is cancelled, you are expected to reemburse DM for the full amount. 

Criteria for the travel fund

In order to receive a grant from the travel fund, you need to meet a number of criteria:

  • You are a member of DM
  • You are interested in sharing your travel experiences with other students on DM's platforms.
  • You can document how your stay or travel is directly related to your education.
  • The duration of your travel or stay will not exceed six months.
  • Additionally, we do not support events meant to replace formal instruction, educational events previously financed by the university, or activities that students are required to participate in.

Requirements for application and attachments

Below, you can see the seven requirements we have for applications. It's important that you adhere to these requirements in order to be considered for a grant from the travel fund.

  1. The application must be filled out online.
  2. You must attach a motivated letter of request no more than one A4 page in length.
  3. Together with your application, you must submit a statement from an instructor, counsellor, or department leader — or an advance approval document — to demonstrate that your travel is relevant to your studies.
  4. We must receive proof of enrolment in a course of study offered at a university.
  5. Your application must include a budget in which you account for travel/lodging expenses and how you will cover these expenses. Do not upload documentation in the form of tickets, booking confirmations, or other information; only a budget no larger than one A4 page.
  6. Your application should include information regarding any other grants you may have applied for or received.
  7. Your application and attachments must be no longer than six pages altogether.

Applications or attachments sent after the deadline will not be considered. Applications that do not meet the seven requirements above will also not be considered.

For tax-related reasons, among others, you may only apply for financial support on your own behalf.

Please note that if your travel or stay is in Denmark, the grant is taxable and you must report it to the tax authorities yourself.

If there are several of you who will be travelling together, each of you must apply individually.

How to apply

You must apply for support from the travel fund before beginning your travel or stay.

If the majority of your trip/stay will occur in the autumn semester (from September to January), you must apply no later than 1 September. If, for example, you will leave on 10 August and be gone through 5 February, you must apply by September.

If the majority of your trip/stay will occur in the spring semester (from February to August), you must apply no later than 1 February. For example, if you will leave on 25 January and be gone through 12 August, you must apply by February.

Use your travels to inspire others

Your travels can inspire other DM members. For this reason, you should be ready to share your travel experiences, such as through the DM Students Facebook page or in an interview with Magisterbladet (an official DM publication). When considering your application, we will consider how eager you are to share experiences from your travels with other students. In your letter of request, you can describe how you would like to tell others about your trip — on social media, for example.

Grants are awarded by the DM Students board. Not all applications can receive an award. About 10 applicants will be awarded a grant per semi-annual disbursement. DM will evaluate how much of the amount requested will be awarded to each winning applicant.


The Winter grant is open for applications from 1. November. 



If you have questions regarding DM's travel fund, you can contact Jesper Enemark Christiansen at DM's offices at