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Both women and men have the right to parental leave when they become parents. The rules for parental leave are flexible, but there are some deadlines that must be met. Here, you can read more about the possibilities, rights, and obligations you have in relation to pregnancies, births, and parenthood.

When becoming a parent, either through pregnancy or adoption, you and your partner have the right to a period of paid leave. The rules that apply to you depend on your labour agreement. If you aren't covered by a labour agreement, this will be specified in your employment contract and in the parental leave regulations in the Danish Act on Salaried Employees.

The main point of the parental leave regulations is that the parents have a right to a combined total of 52 weeks of leave with benefits. Those 52 weeks apply to leave both before and after the birth.

Some periods are reserved for the mother, some are reserved for her partner, and some periods cover both parents. Together, the parents can take a total of 112 weeks of leave, but they will only receive benefits for a total of 52 weeks.

In general, you must be affiliated with the labour market to have the right to leave and benefits.

Conditions for the right to benefits:

  • You have been affiliated with the labour market for the last 13 weeks before the start of your leave and have been employed for at least 120 hours.
  • You are entitled to either unemployment benefits or their equivalent.
  • Within the last month, you have completed a vocational education programme lasting at least 18 months.
  • You are a student in a paid internship in a legally approved course of study.