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Navigating all the different job portals out there can be a bit of a jungle. What job portals exist, and which ones should you use?

Through your studies, you're probably familiar with studerendeonline.dk, Denmark's largest job portal for university students. There, you can find a wide variety of student jobs relevant to different courses of study, exciting internship opportunities, and new projects for your education.

You probably also know about jobindex.dk and stepstone.dk, but there are also other, more specialised job portals.

Universities work together with Graduateland and Careerland

Graduateland is Europe's largest career portal for students and recent graduates. Create a profile and search over 150,000 jobs, internships, and graduate programmes.

Careerland is another good offering. Careerland is a career network for professionals, where you might meet your next employer.

The University of Roskilde also has its own job portal where you can find jobs and joint projects:RUC Job and Project Portal


Ballisager, a consultancy group, has documented in its recruitment analyses that about 2/3 of all businesses used job postings as one of several recruitment channels for their most recent hires. For this reason, Ballisager has prepared an overview of 19 general job databases that can be of interest for businesses looking for a new employee and for job hunters alike.

Ballisager: 19 job portals for your job search (in Danish)

Before poring over the various job portals, you can use Ballisager's overview to see which ones have a CV database and which have a job agent. They've also sorted the databases according to how many positions were posted in each database on the same arbitrary day of December 2016. We've included a short explanation of these two terms below:

CV database: Most job portals have a CV database where job hunters can upload their CVs for businesses to review when looking for new employees. The 2016 recruitment analysis showed that 9% of businesses used these external CV databases for their most recent hires.

Job agent: An automatic function that regularly (usually daily) sends you emails about job posts. You can choose the field, position, and location of the postings sent to you.

The job portal for the Danish Association of Masters and PhDs

At DM's Magisterjob.dk site, you can find job postings in the sciences, social studies, and humanities. The job portal includes postings for both public- and private-sector positions.