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What does it cost to be a member? Your membership fees and the possibility to get adviceare dependent on where you are in your student or work life.

There are different fee levels. It is therefore important that you let DM know if there are changes in your situation. If, for example, your membership fees should be raised, this will be regulated from the point in time where your situation changes (also in the past). If your membership dues should be reduced, you can at most have them changed retroactively from two quarters back. You can change and add information yourself by logging into Mit DM.

Are you a student?

Membership dues—student Per month Per quarter
Student – first year’s membership * 0,00 0,00
Students 20,00 60,00
Student with double membership of DALF and SUL
Read more about double membership of
DALF eller SUL
20,00 60,00

* The offer of one year's free membership only applies if you haven't previously been a member of DM.

Have you completed your studies?

Membership dues Per month  Per quarter
Full-time employees, graduates in work, managers, part-time employees with
more than 18 hours per week,
PhD students
391,00 1.173,00
Unemployed graduates (applies for one
year from the date you have gotten
your final grade).
20,00  60,00
On maternity leave, part time with
max. 18 hours a week, unemployed
with unemployment benefits,
employed abroad
on a foreign contract
189,33 568,00
Self-employed 298,67 896,00
Pensioner/Early retirees, enlisted, p
assive membership
77,33 232,00
Long-term unemployed,
referred to cash benefits Child-care
leave (60 percent of the maximum
level of unemployment benifits)
39,00 117,00


Has your situation changed?

If you have gotten a new job, become unemployed, or gone on pension, you should let DM know. This can mean that your membership fees have changed.

Collecting fees

Your membership fees will be collected every quarter, and you will automatically receive a bill from us. We recommend that you sign up for Betalingsservice.

DM is not your unemployment fund

Remember that it is your unemployment fund (a-kasse) who administers and pays out your unemployment benefits. Unions and unemployment funds are two different organisations, and you are not automatically a member of an unemployment fund by being a member of DM.

Read more about unemployment funds on MA’s website (in Danish)

Tax deduction

You automatically receive a deduction for your trade union fees for a maximum of DKK 7,000.

Join DM

We work to improve the conditions for our members.

Terms of trade

See DM's trading terms, which deal with the way and terms on which online purchases and payments for membership can be made.