Illness and leave from work

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You have as a rule the right to salary while you are sick, but you yourself have a number of obligations to your employer.

If you become sick, you should alert your employer as quickly as possible. When you report that you are sick, you should follow your workplace’s rules for sick notice—they will often be stated in your contract or your workplace’s personnel handbook. If you follow your workplace’s rules, you have the right to full salary while you are absent from work due to illness.

If you don’t show up to work without reporting that you sick, your employer has the right to terminate you without warning.

Your employer has the right to ask for documentation for your sick notice.

If you do not receive salary while sick, or you have become sick while being unemployed, you have the right to sick leave unemployment benefits. Contact your municipality or your unemployment fund (a-kasse) about sick leave unemployment benefits.

Contact DM

If you have questions about rules on sick leave, you can contact DM for advice. If you have been terminated in connection with illness, you must always contact DM.