10 tips for life after your studies

© Lasse Martinussen

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Get help and advice on everything from finding a job, contracts, finances, and unemployment benefits to holidays, housing, insurance, taxes, and pensions.

1. Have you found a job?

If not, DM would be happy to assist you. Read our advice on finding a job, where we offer tips on how to write a good cover letter, or participate in our  job hunting classes (in Danish).

2. If you haven't found a job, have you registered as unemployed?

When you complete your education, you have two weeks to register as unemployed through your unemployment insurance fund and on jobnet.dk. That way, you guarantee your right to unemployment benefits as soon as one month after finishing your education. Otherwise, you risk having no income when you finish your studies and your educational support grants run out. If you haven't done so already, sign up with  the Masters' Unemployment Insurance Fund.

3. What's the difference between a union and an unemployment insurance fund?

And which one do you use for what? In short, an  unemployment insurance fund  ("A-kasse") is the place to go if you have questions about unemployment benefits, unemployment itself, and the many rules that govern the benefit system. It's also where you should turn if you need help finding a job when you're unemployed. Your union will help you with the terms of your employment, checking over your contract, negotiating your pay, offering advice and feedback throughout the various stages of your career, guaranteeing you your rights on the labour market, and giving you a professional community that supports you.
Read more about the professional benefits of membership in DM

4. Do you have a residence?

Have you been living in a dormitory up until now? Would you like to move in with a significant other? Have you moved to a new city for work, or moved back to your home town? Have a chat with our  partners at Lån og Spar Bank  to see what opportunities are available to you, or contact your municipal government to see if residence consultancy services are offered.

5. Is it too early to start thinking about pensions?

By no means! The sooner you start saving, the more money you'll have to live the life of your dreams when you retire. Get an overview of your pensions at pensionsinfo.dk. Or, sign up with the pension fund for masters and PhDs,  MP Pension.

6. Do you have a handle on your student debt and your future finances?

One of the nice things about transitioning from student life and student grants to working is the higher income you'll have. But, as you leave student life, you'll also be saying goodbye to student discounts — though not at DM, where you'll continue to pay the same affordable rate for a year after you graduate. At  Lån og Spar Bank , your DM membership grants you a special discount plan and advice on how to manage your budget.

7. Will there be changes to your insurance when you're no longer a student?

If you have a student insurance package, it's important to look into how it will cover you in the period after your studies, and in the long term. Get a hold of  Lærerstandens Brandforsikring and look into the best insurance options available to you.

8. Be careful of tax penalties!

When your income changes-- if you transition from student grants to unemployment benefits or wages, or if you transition from unemployment benefits to wages-- be sure that you report your actual income to Skat. Otherwise, you run the risk of having to pay a tax penalty. You can take care of this at  skat.dk, where you'll also find guidance on how to update your preliminary income report to match your actual income.

9. Thinking about growing your family?

Many young adults have their first child after finishing their studies. At  dm.dk (in Danish) , you can see when you need to request parental leave from your employer, and how to calculate your leave period. If you aren't employed, you still have a right to monetary benefits as a parent. You can get help with this from  the Masters' Unemployment Insurance Fund.

10. Already dreaming about (paid) holidays?

You have the right to a minimum of five weeks of holiday per year; however, as a new graduate, you are generally not guaranteed any paid holiday time for your first year.
Read more about the rules governing holidays and days off (in Danish)