Know the type of business you're applying to

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To stand our in your job search, you'll need an overall business understanding. That requires knowledge of the industry, the type of business, and the particular workplace you're applying to. Here, you can read about how to learn more about the type of business that you're applying to.

Look into the things businesses/organisations in the industry have in common. What product/value does the business or organisation create? Who buys or uses the product/value? What does the value chain look like? All the way from idea to product/value development, to production, to the user or customer.

Brainstorming questions

  • What difference does the product/service make?
  • Who does the product/service make a difference for?
  • How is the product/service rendered?
  • What does the value chain look like?
  • What are the major tasks to be performed? What costs time/money?
  • What is the relationships between development, testing/QA, production, and sales?
  • How is it marketed?

Where does the money come from?

Example of a value chain in a public sector organisation

If you want to learn more about the characteristics of a technical administration office, you'll find that the office is involved with infrastructure and supply, no matter the size and demographics of the municipal government it serves. The service the office provides is stable, reliable, durable infrastructure and supply.

The value chain is rooted in a political task and framework. The scope of the service is defined by a tax base and municipal budgets. Unlike a private business, opportunities for additional financing, such as from additional sales or co-financing, are severely limited. The economic framework is not like that of a private business.

The service penetrates a politically managed organisation and is converted by the office into projects and new measures. For example, these might include the installation and operation of fibre optic networks, or park maintenance. The service can have multiple kinds of consumers, including both intermediate users and end users.

Examples of differences between customer types

Different intermediate and end users will define, receive, and value the same product in different ways.

If a technical administration office wants to install a fibre network, its user is the local council. The council may decide to invest in a fibre network as part of its strategy to change the kinds of citizens attracted to that municipality.

In that case, delivery of the product will typically encompass the process through to installation, such as project management and bidding by contractors. In the installation phase, it will include budget and project management, ongoing political reports, and follow-up once the fibre network is ready. Operating and evaluating the product may also be involved.

There may also be a link to citizen satisfaction and an analysis of changes in the demographic composition of the municipality.

In that case, the end users are citizens, who will have access to faster internet connections.

The product must be marketed to citizens and put into operation. The product spans from the fibre network itself and hardware maintenance through to customer contact, including developing manuals and procedures for handling errors and complaints.

Know the workplace you're applying to

To stand our in your job search, you'll need an overall business understanding. That requires knowledge of the industry, the type of organisation or business, and the particular workplace in question.

Read how to learn more about the specific workplace you're applying to.