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© Foto: Morten Bengtsson

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We are here when you need us. Find our contact information here.

Opening hours from July 3rd to July 30th

From July 3rd to July 30th DM is open for calls Monday to Friday 9-13.

You can still contact us through Mit DM or by writing to us at dm@dm.dk where we will process inquiries within normal opening hours.

Do you need guidance?

We advise our members on working conditions, employment contracts, days off and salary. If you are a member and need advice, you can contact us through Mit DM.

Write us

If you are a member of DM, we recommend that you contact us through Mit DM, but you can also write us at dm@dm.dk. You can send secure mail to us at sikkermail@dm.dk or use our secure contact form.

Call us

You can call us on 38 15 66 00. We are open for calls Monday - Thursday 9-16 and Friday 9-15.

Did you receive a call? Our call center calls from 38 15 66 01. If you want to get in touch with us, call us on 38 15 66 00.

Courses and events

If you have questions about DM's courses and events, you can write to dme@dm.dk.


Peter Bangs Vej 30
2000 Frederiksberg

Åboulevarden 23, 2.sal
8000 Aarhus C

Unemployment benefits, holiday allowance and early retirement

If you have questions about unemployment benefits, holiday allowance and early retirement you can contact Magistrenes A-kasse, which is an independent organisation.