Research staff at public institutions

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If you are employed as a scientific employee at a public research institution, e.g. the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, certain museums, sector research institutions or Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland/GEUS, your employment and your salary are regulated by a number of rules and agreements.

The most important rules and agreements which, together, constitute the framework for your wages and your general terms of employment are the collective agreement of state-employed academics or the AC collective agreement and the job structure.

The collective agreement which was entered into by the unions and the state, determines, among others, your basic salary, your working hours, your pension rights and the terms of any dismissal.

The job structure, which is laid down in an executive order, determines the job categories in which you may be employed, e.g. assistant professor or associate professor, the requirements attached to the different job categories and how to qualify for these.

Salary and allowances 

Your salary will comprise a basic salary, one  or more fixed allowances and any individual allowances. If your employment is regulated by the AC collective agreement, your salary will be determined by the salary scales of the collective agreement.

In addition to the basic salary, you may be entitled to a fixed allowance depending on the job category in which you are employed, e.g. assistant professor or associate professor or senior advisor.

Remember that, through your union representative, you have the option of negotiating further individual qualification and job function allowances, regardless of the job category in which you are employed.

See basic salary and fixed allowances in your area of employment

Job structure and job categories

It applies to several research institutions that part of the framework for your employment is determined by a job structure which applies to the individual area or the individual institution.

These job structures primarily regulate the job category in which you may be employed but also rules for e.g. the duration of an appointment and appraisal procedures.

Usually, there will be an additional allowance associated with the individual job categories.

The job structures also serve the purpose of providing a framework for your possible career path when employed as a scientific employee with the institution in question.

If you are employed with a research institution which does not have a job structure, your appointment is regulated by the collective agreement of state-employed academics and any local agreements.


When you are employed, you will generally receive a pension determined by collective agreement, which your employer contributes to the pension scheme AkademikerPension. The pension contributions are calculated as a fixed percentage of your salary and is regulated by collective agreements.

Your fixed allowances and your individual allowances also qualify as pensionable remuneration.

Hours of work

Your average weekly hours of work are 37 hours as per the AC collective agreement.

The rules for additional hours worked may vary from institution to institution. Some employers have entered into local agreements and some employers rely on a customary practice.

If you have any doubts about your rights in connection with additional work, always contact your union representative or DM on telephone number 38 15 66 00 or at

Job structures found on Retsinformation
(Legal information provided by the Danish Ministry of Justice)

Executive order on job structures relating to artistic and scientific staff at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts department of Architecture, Design and Conservation, the Aarhus School of Architecture and Design School Kolding (in Danish)

Scientific staff employed for research purposes at archives, libraries and museums, etc., under the auspices of the Danish Ministry of Culture (in Danish)

Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland/GEUS (in Danish)

Artistic scientific staff at the academies of music under the auspices of the Danish Ministry of Culture (in Danish)

The sector research institutions (Statens Serum Institut, the Kennedy Center, Det Nationale Forskningscenter for Arbejdsmiljø (The National Research Centre for the Working Environment), SFI – The Danish National Centre for Social Research) (in Danish)