Applying for research funding

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Many applications for research funding are subject to the collective agreement with the state in terms of salary and holiday allowance. Form an overall idea of what should be included in the application.

If you are to submit applications to funds or councils which are subject to or follow collective agreement with the state, such as e.g. the research councils, you can learn more here about how to draft the part of the application which concerns your salary.

The salary

The salary comprises a scaled net salary at the relevant grade as well as a pension contribution of 17.1 percent of your salary.
You should be aware that there are two salary scales: 

  • MA/cand.mag. salary scale (the A scale) 
  • Arts grad. - one major subject/cand.phil. salary scale (the B scale) 

As an MA/cand.mag. your start at pay scale point 4, as an Arts grad./cand. phil. At pay scale point 2, BAs at pay scale 1. Your placement on the salary scale also depends on your labour market seniority.

For each 12 months in employment, you accrue one year’s salary seniority. Weekly working hours of at least 15 hours accrues full salary seniority. Weekly working hours of less than 15 hours accrue 50 percent salary seniority.

When you are a PhD fellow, special pension rules apply, as only 85 percent of your salary scale remuneration is pensionable – and your PhD allowance is non-pensionable.

Remember to apply for sufficient funds to allow for your increase in seniority. You should also be aware that, as a PhD fellow, you may have acquired advance seniority, just like any other staff group.

See also: Application for research funding and salary (in Danish)

Qualification allowance

When you apply for a salary grant under the new pay system, it is possible to add a qualification allowance to the centrally “fixed” allowance.

Fixed allowances are allowances which are stipulated by the collective agreement. The fixed allowances to be included in your application depend on your level of qualification.

The research councils have announced that they will not grant allowances which mean that staff who are externally funded by research council funding will be better paid than staff employed by the institutions. On the other hand, the research councils have also stated that, as a rule, they will not grant less that what is generally agreed upon at the individual institutions.

On that basis, it is a good idea to contact the local union representative to ask whether a prior agreement on the allocation of allowances and possibly what additional policies apply to that particular institution. If there is a pay policy, you need to argue with that as your starting point when applying for your qualification allowance.

Qualification allowances may vary in size and are, as a rule, pensionable.

Schedule of salary and allowances for your area (in Danish)

The old pay system

If you move directly from a position in the state which follows the old pay system, you may continue in this system. In those circumstances, you may apply for salary in accordance with the old pay system.

Applying for a PhD scholarship

An allowance must be applied for which is equivalent to that of a PhD scholarship. See the table below.

Applying at MA-level

An allowance must be applied for which is equivalent to that of a scientific assistant. See the table below.

Applying at PhD-level

An allowance must be applied for which is equivalent to that of an assistant professor. See the table below.

Applying at associate professor-/senior researcher-level

An allowance must be applied for which is equivalent to that of associate professor. See the table below.

Applying at professor-level

Professors are employed at the terms of collective agreements with a salary equivalent to pay grade 37, possibly pay grade 38. See the table below.

A pensionable allowance is paid in addition to the collectively agreed salary which balances the difference of the actual pay scale point of the AC salary scale and the salary at pay grade 37 or 38.

Professor with special assignments

Professors with special assignments (WSA) are placed into the new salary scale depending on their seniority. An additional pensionable WAS allowance is granted. See the table below.

At the expiry of the period of employment as a professor with special assignments, you will return to an associate professorship. This position must be followed by an associate  professorship in order for the job category to be used.

Holiday pay

12.5 percent of the net scale salary, the fixed allowance, any qualification allowances and your own pension contribution for these salary components (1/3 of 17.1 percent) must be calculated and contributed.

The table shows the proportion of the new pay scale rates as well as of the fixed pensionable allowances.

Also remember to apply for funds to cover special holiday days (5 days per year), if these holiday days are not taken.

ATP pension and AUB employers’ education reimbursement contributions

The application should also include funds to pay ATP pension contributions and AUB employers’ education reimbursement contributions. Both are employers’ contributions.

ATP contributions total DKK 180/month
AUB contributions total DKK 172.25/month

Monthly salary budget

  1. Net salary DKK
  2. Fixed net allowance DKK
  3. Any net qualification allowances DKK
  4. Own pension contribution of these salary components (1/3 of 17.1 percent) DKK
  5. Holiday allowance 12.5 percent of salary, allowances and own pension contribution DKK
  6. Payment of special holiday days (5 per year) if these are not taken DKK
  7. Employer’s pension contributions of net salary and allowances (2/3 of 17.1 percent) DKK
  8. Employer’s ATP pension contributions DKK
  9. Employer’s AUB education reimbursement contributions DKK

Remember the date of advancement to the next pay scale point.

General price increases should also be included.

An annual increase in salary of 2 percent must be included which means that the sum applied for should be indexed by this factor on an annual basis, if you are applying for a grant covering several years.

An annual increase in costs is anticipated at 3 percent which means that the sum applied for should be indexed by this factor on an annual basis, if you are applying for a grant covering several years.

State salary for PhD fellows incl. holiday allowance

Research grant and possibly in employment

If you receive a scholarship/research grant, you are not formally an employee unless you receive a letter of employment from a host institution which undertakes the administration of the scholarship.

If you do not find a host institution and, thus, does not enter into employment, problems may arise if you become ill or fall pregnant during the scholarship period. Contact DM for further information.

If you find a host institution, be aware that the institution will charge for administering the scholarship, provide you with a supervisor and cover the costs of travel, equipment, defence and much more.

In the everyday, there will be no significant difference between the employees of the host institution and you as an externally funded employee. When you are employed by an institution, you will experience no problems in respect of illness and pregnancy. Like employees, you may also be considered on the distribution of the local allowances negotiated by the institution and the union representative.

It applies to both groups that the recipient of the grant is responsible for completing the project within the budgeted period.

Learn more and find application forms at the website of the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science (in Danish)
Learn more about EU research programmes (in Danish)