Take care of yourself

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You're at the beginning of your career, and you naturally want to get off to the best start possible. Both to keep your job, and to fulfil your own ambitions. It's a good idea to remember that you're in a learning process, and nobody is expecting you to be capable of the same things as your colleagues who have been employed for several years.

As a job seeker, there are many ways you can compare your situation with a project management position. In this case, the project that you’re managing is finding a job.

Unfortunately, many find unemployment stressful, some after even a short period without a job. It's completely normal for there to be times where you feel frustrated, sad, or ready to give up. Here at the Danish Association of Masters and PhDs, and the Masters' Unemployment Insurance Fund, we know what it's like to be searching for a job full-time. Use us to talk and get feedback, especially when things get tough.

Tips for your new day-to-day life

There can be many stress factors: You're looking for a job, demands are being placed on you by the unemployment system, you have to manage the pressure to perform, you have to communicate in a new field (applications) to a new target audience (employers), and there is a possibility of rejection. It's a lot of pressure and a lot of demands. For most job hunters, the greatest point of insecurity is the uncertainty of not knowing when they'll have a job.

In our experience advising job-seekers who spend all their time on their job search, we've found that what helps the most is to create as structured a daily schedule as possible. Here's an example of how you can do that:

  • Establish your daily routine, setting aside 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. for your job search
  • Plan your days with fixed times for job research, business research, writing cover letters, visiting networking and business events, coffee breaks with people in your network, courses, and workshops, such as those offered by DM and MA (in Danish)
  • Take walks, exercise, and generally keep your evenings and weekends free for things other than your job search

Be aware that together with others, you can find inspiration to bring focus, structure, and energy to your everyday life while searching for a job.


DM and MA hold workshops where you can learn how stress and self-esteem affect each other. You'll be introduced to a number of cognitive principles and techniques that you can use to be more conscious about your thoughts, feelings, and behaviour patterns.

You'll also gain tools to strengthen your ability to focus and prioritise your time and tasks, your capacity to make decisions and act on them, your energy level, your mood, your efficiency, and your ability to create results.