Brewing Protein: Crafting Tomorrow's Sustainable Revolution

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In this DM BIO ONLINE session we focus on the great potential in future protein production based on methane gas

Note: This webinar will be held in English.

Join a thoughtful exploration into sustainable protein innovation. Eleni Ntokou, a protein biochemist and product developer at Unibio, shares her insights into the company's impact on the feed, pet food, and human food industries.

Unibio employs a revolutionary proprietary technology that utilizes methane to produce a unique protein ingredient through bacterial fermentation. Explore Unibio's history and progression in its technology, challenges faced during industrial scale-up, regulatory pathways and hurdles, as well as obstacles and opportunities in product development.

This isn't just an opportunity to learn but a chance to pose thoughtful questions and envision the potential of innovative protein solutions. Join us in contributing to a more sustainable future. Your participation is a step toward a greener, healthier, and more sustainable tomorrow.


For this DM BIO ONLINE we focus on new opportunities for future protein production based on methan gas and will, among other things, cover the following:

  • Unibio will give us insights from their journey all the way from conceptualization to market access
  • Discover the unique features of Unibio’s production of protein and how it can be used as ingredient
  • Desvorvering the science behind this eco-friendly process and its potential to reshape the protein landscape
  • Unibio will give us insights from their journey all the way from conceptualization to market access
  • Provide a comprehensive understanding of the intricacies involved in launching a business in this dynamic sector.

Fremtidens fødevarer – hvordan opnår vi klimaneutralitet?

Dette webinar er en del af webinarserien Fremtidens fødevarer – hvordan opnår vi klimaneutralitet? Her dykker vi ned i fremtidens fødevareklynge og bliver vi klogere på de mange muligheder og udfordringer i relation til at fremtidssikre en sund, bæredygtig og klimavenlig fødevareproduktion.

Du finder og tilmelder dig de andre webinarer her:

  • 9. februar: Mælk version 2.0 - Fremtidens mælk skabes via fermentering - læs mere her.
  • 5. april: Kultiveret kød - fra laboratoriet til middagsbordet - læs mere her.
  • 12. april: Accelerating Crop Breeding for a Sustainable Future - læs mere her.

Eleni Ntokou

Product Development and Sustainability Manager at Unibio Denmark PhD, Molecular Microbiology at Thessaly University, Greece and Postdoctoral Fellow at University of Southern Denmark (SDU).


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Hvem er DM Bio?

DM Bio er et fagligt fællesskab, der vil udvide din horisont og inspirere til, at grønne fagligheder samles, vidensdeler og debatterer det, der rører sig. Fra natur, klima, miljø og bæredygtighed til by- og arealplanlægning, teknologi og fødevarer. DM Bio er et resultat af fusionen mellem DM, JA og DSL, som har samlet kræfterne for at bidrage til at forme fremtidens arbejdsmarked med viden i fokus.

Læs mere om DM BIO


Cathrine Norup


Praktiske oplysninger

Tidspunkt 23. august 2024 08:00 - 09:00
Sted Online
Tilmeldingsfrist 21. august 2024 - kl. 23:30
Medlemspris Gratis
Pris for andre Gratis

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